Haven't blogged in a bit because..... the great custom blog creators,
Into the Darkroom, is creating a NEW BLOG for LSD PHOTOGRAPHY! Yeah! So nothing from this blog will transfer to it and I have some fun posts that I am saving to post in it as soon as it gets up. I think it will be another couple of weeks or so before it actually launches. I'll make a big to-do about it though! It will have much larger images, cool slideshows, categories and lots of coolness! Can't wait! We've got a few wedding slideshows, some bridal sessions, a peek at a boudoir session, babies and maternity and of course.... dogs - all waiting in the wings to post to the NEW BLOG! They've been great to work with at ITDR. Our Trippin' with LSD blog is about to be a reality. It reflects our main website and they are just beautiful together. Honestly, we are beside ourselves waiting!
Meanwhile, I had a couple of things of interest going on. As many of you know, the studio only has the back door entrance now and is a little smaller - more intimate - for viewings and consultations. Peek in when you're in the neighborhood. It's pretty! I had to move my household at this same time so it has been hectic and I apologize if I've missed replying to anyone's emails or phone calls. If I have, please just call me again - things are better now. :-) I'm actually taking this weekend to get my production office squared away but next weekend it's back to weddings for a bit. We are so blessed to get to shoot the first wedding in the new Mayo Hotel Crystal Ballroom on October 3, 2009. Carrie McFall and Ryan Higgins. A military couple tying the knot in their hometown. We just shot Carrie's bridal session on the roof at the Mayo last week. It was stunning! Can't wait to post those images.
Our September 19th couple, Mindi & Shane - was just featured in the
Brides of Oklahoma newsletter. (sign up to receive this newsletter - it's very fun) How cute are they? Had Mindi's bridal session a couple of weeks ago and just got all her portraits framed this week for the wedding. We shot it on her parents property near Cushing which overlooks the Cimmaron river. Beautiful.

I was at Borders the other day with Kate - one of our favorite outings together. I swear I think we could stay in there for hours and not even realize it. I was looking for the large print section (which they move all the time) It's large print but it's not a very large section and I just check to see what new books they have for Lucille (my mom) b/c it is easier for her to read now that she's almost 90! She likes bios and things like that and I found one on Marilyn Monroe in large print! Right up Lucille's alley. Anyway, the large print section was moved over by the Literature section and I was looking thru there and came across these. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte but published by different publishers with different covers. Same inside, different outside. Price ranged from $4.95 - $16.95. There was an entire shelf of this book. These are iphone pics and not so good either b/c there was a ladder in front of this section that couldn't be moved so I had to shoot around and through it.

Next - went to Southern Ag(riculture) to get dog/cat food and Tess came in and helped herself to a pig's ear. She just loves those things. She knows exactly what aisle it's on and just goes there and picks one out. She is the cutest dog ever, don't you think? Shake-it photo in the backseat of the truck. BTW - Shake-it photo is a very fun iphone app.

AND, LAST BUT NOT LEAST.... I am taking all of November OFF to help our little Mo get ready for our new grandson's arrival - November 20th! I'll post more from her formal maternity session on the NEW BLOG but here's a shake-it photo to hold you over. Morgan is the cutest pregnant person ever. She is WAY out in front with this little guy.

Look at his sweet little 4-D face!